vendredi 22 mai 2015

Carenado King Air B200...

Des infos, des comparatifs sur le réalisme et l'utilisation du B200 de Carenado...

Comparatif réalité...
Le comparatif avec la vrai vie par un vrai pilote de B200...

En vitesse de croisière, pour voler en palier, il faut un elevator trim très largement négatif. Rien trouvé à ce sujet à part quelques allusions aux trims ici...

Speaking of trimming, the King Air uses a lot of trim movement during flap retraction and extension. You need to anticipate this and you also need to add trim during the approach to landing as you're reducing power for finals.

You don’t have to ram your throttles fully to the stops for take off, so watch the ITT gauge. You don’t want to be above the red line for too long as this will damage the engines (just as on the real King Air). Remember, it's all about correct climb attitude to build up speeds. As you climb to higher altitudes, you'll notice the ITT needle drop. Just keep nudging your power levers up till the needle is near the red line and don’t forget to manage the Prop RPM also. 

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