mercredi 13 mai 2015

HDD Space...

Comment stocker les Custom Sceneries sur un autre disque dur que celui sur lequel se trouve X-Plane...

You should be able to do this with symbolic links / junctions in Windows. This will allow you to place a folder (or folders) found within the X-Plane directory onto different hard drives, and X-Plane will still think it's right where it needs to be and work just fine.

I'll use the example that you'd like to move the "Custom Scenery" folder out of it's default location and onto another drive.  You've installed X-Plane on yourC: drive, and you installed a new X: drive to offload the data to. Bear in mind you will need to adjust the directory paths with the ones you're actually using and interested in changing rather than the ones I've selected for the example.

Step Zero: Back up your entire X-Plane directory somewhere safe. As always!
Step One: Move the existing contents of the C:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery to X:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery
Step Two: Delete the now empty C:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery directory.
Step Three: Open an elevated command prompt (Run as admin), and issue the command...

mklink /J C:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery  X:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery

This runs the mklink utilty... it creates a junction point folder at "C:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery", which is actually pointed at "X:\X-Plane\Custom Scenery".  X-Plane still looks to the C: drive for its custom scenery, but the operating system plays some tricks and redirects the traffic to the X: drive location.

Step Four: Now you see a "new" Custom Scenery folder existing inside the original C:\X-Plane directory - that's your junction! The contents of which actually exist on the X: drive. Remember your computer now has two places where you see the same files - the folder on the C: drive, and the folder on the X: drive. You can add/change/delete files from either instance - it's one folder with two "entry points", so to speak.

Reversal: To reverse this change, you can safely delete the junction point you created in the C: drive side (It only deletes the junction, not the data within), then just move the actual data on the X: drive back to it's original home.

You can use this trick to move and link to any folder inside of X-Plane - be it the Custom Scenery, Global Scenery, Aircraft... etc.etc.

There are 3rd party tools which can also help with the process if you need.

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