mardi 10 mars 2015

Quel interface entre cockpit et simulateur ?

L'essentiel des cockpits sont faits avec des IOCards d'OpenCockpit (langage dit SIOC) ou en Arduino. Sioc semble très répandu dans les projets construits sur FS9 ou FSX. Les projets XPlane semblent tous utiliser Arduino. A côté de ces deux systèmes apparaissent de temps en temps d'autres alternatives dont les cartes Leo Bodnar...

Les avis...
Most of cockpit builders are using IOCards, but during the early stage of Open Airbus Cockpit project this solution was discarded in favor of Arduino. The main reason is that IOCards is a ad-hoc solution for cockpit builders. Perhaps it sounds as a pro instead of cons, but it is not. Consider that there are only out there some hundreds, a few thousands at most, of IOCard units. That means poor support, poor documentation, poor training, etc. If we compare that with the number of Arduino units distributed all over the world and its community of users, we can be sure that the tons of documentation, howtos, guides, books, references, etc, are far beyond the most prolific IOCards community. OpenAirbusCockpit

Conceiving my Baron-58 panel simulator I have started to develop I/O interface based on the well-known open source microcontroller platform - Arduino, and the very first tests with the board and X-Plane showed that it could become the perfect solution for creating controls for home cockpits. See Code archive (some of my code tests since 2012). Arduino SVGlobe
If you're not yet committed to FSX, X-Plane is a far better option for us sim builders. It features a very mature and well-documented SDK that allows all sorts of access to the internals of the sim. Plus, it is a native part of the sim, supported and maintained by the X-Plane author and his associates within the X-Plane inner circle. I can also assure you that if you are up to prototyping your own IO cards and writing the firmware for them, you will glide through the X-Plane SDK. MyCockpit

As for what software you use I must say that X-Plane is making great ways and new AC are getting better and better, as for FSX they're several high end AC with pretty well full functioning switches IE: PMDG, IFly, Project Magenta ect. you pay a bit more for them but gives you more real feel to it as far as switches goes. IFly as a Cockpit Builder Edition ( $525us ) design for complete solution iFly 737NG Pro Home Cockpit Builders Edition (COMPLETE). MyCockpit

J'ai dernièrement essayé de convertir des cartes Arduino Nano, Uno et Mega en port jeu USB avec « dfu-programmer » à la manière des cartes Leo Bodnar, avec le plug-in TeensyControl et l'environnement de programmation Teensy et UnoJoy et MegaJoy, mais sans succès, car l'environnement Teensy est bogué actuellement. J'ai aussi exploré la solution avec une carte d'extension "Shield" Ethernet pour carte Arduino et l'utilisation de l'UDP, mais pour le moment, je reste bloqué sur la compilation du code source des exemples du site Web « ».

Je pense à une organisation un peu différente de la tienne, afin de privilégier la rapidité d'atteindre l'objectif (en limitant les risques liés à l'évolution parfois anarchique de X-PLANE) au détriment du coût (mais chacun a ses propres critères):
* entrée des données : via carte LEOBODNAR uniquement (sauf éventuels cas spéciaux pouvant nécessiter un prétraitement via Arduino) car elle est insensible aux évolutions de X-Plane et que les réglages se font directement dans X-Plane.

La solution « ARDref plugin for X-Plane » reste une alternative. Mais je vous prédis que si vous êtes capable d'utiliser et d'intégrer ce produit, alors c'est que vous pourriez faire de même avec les cartes Arduino. Mais avec les cartes Arduino, vous ouvrez une porte sur une richesse insoupçonnable pour vous aujourd'hui !

Don't forget to give these consideration (Pokeys Card) simple to use and no programming. I have used nothing but these so far.

The board I bought after some research is the Arcaze-USB simply because it offers some 40 switches or 20 rotary and 6 analog inputs and is the most flexible and easy to program I guess. Have look for yourself:
They have a useful wiki explaining lots of things. Forums.Eagle

You might want to look at Teensy boards - they're very cheap and can directly control X-Plane commands and datarefs. I've been using them for a few hardware projects, connecting switches and buttons to the autopilot, connecting switches and potentiometers to various light switches, and connecting the rotary encoders in an old mouse to the trim and heading datarefs. Very easy to work with!
For stuff that's more elaborate than plain old switches, buttons, and LEDs, it's also largely Arduino-compatible and can use most of the Arduino libraries to interface with other hardware. The 'rotary encoders' I mentioned are the internal wheels of an old PS/2 ball mouse. Teensy is very multilingual - it can speak PS/2 to the old mouse using the Arduino library, and it can speak SDK to X-Plane and adjust the pitch trim. Very easy to link the two together!
Edit: this epic thread: http://forums.x-plan...opic=55952&st=0
Also the manufacturer's website: (I'd recommend getting the versions with pins)
Also the manufacturer's page specifically about X-Plane Teensy use:

  • Il semble que Leo Bodnar soit l'idéal si l'on ne sait pas programmer. Il semble que les cartes Leo Bodnar sont en fait de simples joysticks aux "yeux" du PC. On ne peut donc qu'interfacer des interrupteurs ou des potentiomètres, mais pas de choses plus complexes comme des afficheurs digitaux par exemple.
  • Les Teensy boards sont une solution simple intermédaire.
  • Enfin, Arduino ouvre plus de possibilités, si l'on sait programmer. Dans mon cas, j'ai pratiqué plusieurs langages (C, C++ et C#) donc c'est la solution idéale.

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